Ein skizzierter Planungsablauf im Vordergrund und fünf Menschen im Hintergrund
Image: pixabay.comThe experimental game is organised and hosted by the collaborative project Glocal CampusExternal link. The IDEAS team supports you during the game and is open for your questions at any times. The international experimental game is taking place digitally via Zoom. Plus, there is a LernumgebungExternal link where you receive learning materials. During the game, you work together with international students of all subjects and disciplines. It is important that you are willing to work together, are having a lot of fun and that you fulfil the language requirements (B2 English).
Course of the experimental game
The experimental game is played by three universities and takes place in online meetings. These weekly meetings are 2,5 to 3 hours long and take place for five or six weeks. You do not need any prior knowledge. During an information event at the beginning, you will be given all information and a chance to get to know each other. Then, in the following four rounds of the game, you can interact with the other teams, work on your collaborative goals and present your results. Each game round is followed by a debriefing to reflect on your experiences and how you can improve future intercultural interactions. After the experimental game is finished, you receive a certificate of participation.
Ablauf der Planspiele
Image: Glocal Campus -
Simulation scenario
Logo des Simulationsspiels Megacities
Image: Glocal CampusThe simulation scenario is called Megacities:
A wealthy older citizen wants to gift his estate, which is approximately 100 km² and borders three neighbouring cities. His condition: the three cities with differing interests must use this estate collaboratively and work together on a shared project. Each of the teams is working as a consultant for one of the three cities. The teams’ task is to come up with a plan for an appropriate use of the estate. Thereby, the estate functions as a “cultural field” to the three neighbouring cities, necessitating an appropriate concept for the estate that combines all of the cities’ interests and provides a sustainable solution for the region.
Room D405
Semmelweisstr. 12
07743 Jena
Opening hours:
Donnerstag 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr
sowie nach Vereinbarung per Mail
Während der vorlesungsfreien Zeit nur nach Vereinbarung per Mail.
Flyer de
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- 310 kb
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Informationen für Studierende de
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- 164 kb
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Infoveranstaltung Megacities de
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- pptx
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- 3 mb
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Flyer de