Werbeposter für das Deutsch-Spanische Sprachtandem
Image: pixabay.comTandem project: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Universitat de València (Spain) and Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
Interested in speaking Spanish? Or are you planning your upcoming Erasmus stay in Spain? Or would you simply like to meet new people in sunny Valencia? Then join the language exchange! Valencia university is regularly hosting digital language tandems in small groups. The participating students are Spanish and Valencian native speaker studying German at Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació. All language levels are welcome!
Juliane Fehlig of the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) organises virtual tandems in cooperation with IDEAS. So far, the tandems have been a great success.
Are you interested? Please register with juliane.fehlig@uv.es and you’ll be sent a link to join the video conference.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Tandemkurs Deutsch-Spanisch
- Contains:
- 9 Elements
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Tandemkurs Deutsch-Spanisch
Flyer Sprachtandem de
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- File size:
- 182 kb
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Flyer Sprachtandem de